Hope. Opportunity. faith. fun. Results.


In July of 2006, a group of volunteers at the Helping Hand Rescue Mission accidentally shared a parking lot with some children playing in the Spring Garden Apartments.  It wasn't a planned meeting.  It just happened.  And minutes later, a whiffle ball game broke out.  Eric, Laquan, Bashir, Dante, Swanney and many more joined in. That game was the start of something much bigger.

It was a Tuesday.  The kids asked the volunteers to come back next week.  Tuesday after Tuesday, game after game, conversation after conversation, the group of kids grew, and so did the bonds that were forming between the Mission volunteers and the kids in the community.

Adam Bruckner playing baseball with boy at The Mission

Ten Years later, we are still meeting on Tuesdays.  The Mission now hosts an after-school program, a Skills Center, Sunday School (on Tuesdays), a soccer academy, a writing club, summer camps—and we have become a Mission family.

More about us →

what we do

At the Mission, we partner with local families to create opportunities and hope for kids in urban Philadelphia. We provide a space for laughter and fun for kids in some pretty tough situations.

We understand this community because we are a part of this community. Our volunteers, including staff from the local high school, work with kids to create harmony and balance between school, family, church and each other. After school programs run each week, all year round, with Tuesday-night Sunday School and Thursday-night Soccer Academy. In the summer, we have camps and activities every day. And there’s always Taco Tuesdays.

Kids who come to our programs have a chance to dream, to give back to the community and to chart a path forward toward their own successes.

Our mission is to offer children living in a challenging community the opportunity to live great, safe, and full lives.. Learn more about what we do →

get involved

There are important conversations happening around our country about race, class, privilege, protests, violence, justice, and much more.  We believe it is important to listen.  To learn.  To share.  And to be moved to action.

We encourage people to get involved in programs that offer opportunity and hope for young people who grow up in challenging circumstances in their communities.  If you believe in the work that we are doing at the Mission, we humbly appreciate the help.  In 2016 and 2017, we can commit to using 100% of your gift in the youth program.